fiftyfootshadows has added a photo to the pool:

Well I made it back from Utah and am in Memphis today and will be driving back across TN into NC tomorrow.

While I shot mostly on an old Twin Lens Reflex with 127 B&W film I did grab my 5D (which my brother was shooting with while we were out there) a couple of times. One of those photos is this one which was taken in Zion. The upper canyon had up to 2-3 feet of snow piled up on top of it. Made for some interesting hiking to say the least.

I dont know how long it will be until I get some prints made of the B&W stuff I shot while I was out there. I am slowly piecing together a darkroom to make prints from and im not sure when it will be when I get all that set up and functional but until then I will post other things. Anyways..

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