суббота, 13 февраля 2010
needlemind has added a photo to the pool:
A close up view of this enormous helicopter.
The second in a series of two - once again from the 2005 Yeovilton Air Day.
Chris H# has added a photo to the pool:
Well, it's actually bronze really, but it didn't go! Statue of Billy Fury on the quayside at the Albert Dock, Liverpool.
ELO-Turned to Stone
luciferscage has added a photo to the pool:
Chines New Year celebrations. She is one of the Dragon and Lion dancers.
luciferscage has added a photo to the pool:
Chatham has quite a sizeable Chinese community so each Chinese New Year there are celebrations in the High Street and a procession where the dancing lions, dragon, and the rest of the family are brought out.