
meeka 2

fi .. sker has added a photo to the pool:

meeka 2



Surfin Chef has added a photo to the pool:


Fag end of the day


bus stop

B.S. Wise has added a photo to the pool:

bus stop

Bus Stop


Lights are burning

In quiet rooms

Where lives go on

Resembling ours.

The quiet lives

That follow us—

These lives we lead

But do not own—

Stand in the rain

So quietly

When we are gone,

So quietly ...

And the last bus

Comes letting dark

Umbrellas out—

Black flowers, black flowers.

And lives go on.

And lives go on

Like sudden lights

At street corners

Or like the lights

In quiet rooms

Left on for hours,

Burning, burning.

Donald Justice, “Bus Stop” from New and Selected Poems. Copyright © 1995 by Donald Justice. Reprinted with the permission of Alfred A. Knopf, a division of Random House, Inc.

Source: New & Selected Poems (Alfred A. Knopf, 1995)

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Radiohead: "How To Disappear Completely"

fotodiman has added a photo to the pool:

lignes d'horizon #2


Hasselblad 500 CM - obj. Zeiss Compur T-Planar 1:2,8-80 mm - Kodak film TMAX 100

@темы: wood bw landscape iceland cod dryingshed hasselblad500cm baccalao morue s

B.S. Wise has added a photo to the pool:

a circuitous route

The Unreliable Narrator


A great crime: she has

plunged a dagger into the heart

of her mother.


The strangest thing: a mocking little pride with

a sinister click as of a fitting together of bad


Beyond knowing. The mesmerist’s only

child. A certain indication of anemia, too much

candy, and her charming eyes.

A privilege to be near her. My

inspiriation. I risk an approach, what I call “the light of

day.” Movements, with perfect indifference, turn

place and shrink. One

might have seen less:
the glimmer of

nothing. I caught no full-blown

flower of theory. And yet such visions pale in


Gorgeous, the domestic manufacture

of sausages.

Swallow and “so calligraphic a bird.”

Somebody in Dickens. Attaching

diminutive eggs.

A glamour of memory.

Assurance of intimacy on the

summer air.

Nothing to explain. We

needed breathing time.
Enough to

laugh. Odd what a difference. Only to

whistle to her. Delighted to come.

I know. Prepared to reply and turning a think skein of

sewing silk sus-

pended in

entanglement. Shown “the faintest far-off

chords,” I ask myself.

Our doom complete.

The difference, so simple: she had

folded up her manner. Great advantages now, my

dear, if he will show you. Dis-

appointment and its train might enter.

The wedding day, the fever season. But

they’re dying. Kindred circle of the

tipsy, come to call. Lurid memory

remained with me, was indeed our sense of

“dissipation.” (Horses. A high aesthetic revel.) Rome

made him invest unconscionable sums in postage. He

received answers in a delicate hand or tried to think.

Sublime snythesis. A bridge

over—liable to rear up. You just had to

wait for it, curiosity worked up with

a hard-boiled egg and a doughnut.

(Very ugly, but

I LIKE UGLY. Just the

sort of ugliness to

be like looking.)

Happy, he entered the streetcar’s

nocturnal “exercise,” the platform it evidently

was to be. Bad lecture-blood her enthusiasm. Catchpenny

monsters. The ideal day with that sense of resorting.

In imagination, we mean to do well. No faith in girlhood, her antediluvian

theories not much better. Well, she should get

rid of him. The logical hero.

Keith Waldrop, “The Unreliable Narrator” from Transcendental Studies: A Trilogy.

Copyright © 2009 by the Regents of the University of California. Reprinted by permission of University of California Press.

Source: Transcendental Studies: A Trilogy (University of California Press, 2009)

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Neko Case: "Things that Scare Me"


to the point

B.S. Wise has added a photo to the pool:

to the point

Little Black Tangrams



No one felt in the dark for his hat.

No one budged an inch.

Thus the story draws to its end.

No one felt over the edge

of her silk pocket to touch her parking ticket.

No one even wished to

walk out of the dark to the street.


Over the transparent page I traced my name.

I thought about The Bird That Turns Around,

How To Blow A Brick Over, What To Do

While Waiting For The Doctor, Answers To

Problems On Page 2,000, The Chair That

Comes To You, The Mysterious Paper Purse,

The Universe Around Us, Lift To Erase.


Those days everything I thought trembled

through the rotating blades of an electric fan.

The way my voice moved through it.

The way my fingers shook.

I wore a two-tiered hat.

A dead mule is huge.

The man with the stick was fat.


A dead deer has the face of a rat.

Last night I watched seven white deer

walk single file across the black edge,

the levee’s border.

Slowly, each one looked me over,

saw I was sleeping, and soon came closer

to lick my face all over.


All fall I played at being a slave.

In the red embers of fires I made

I burned slips of paper with politicians’ names

to pass the time.

I cooked rich soups of dragonflies.

I learned to aim an arrow

through a devilhorse’s brain.


I sat alone by the water.

They trusted me with the river.

When United Fruit Company boats

headed for port, upriver,

I called out to sailors,

down came stalks of bananas

to snag and bring up to the batture.


When the polls opened until the polls closed

two men dangled their rifles over their shoulders

and pretended they couldn’t be seen.

The men and women who came were embarrassed.

They looked down at the white glare

of crushed shells at their feet.

They looked off into the distance.


In the hot sun on the wooden platform

I stood waiting for the icehouse doors to open.

I wanted to be asked inside

the cool bricks of smoking water, frozen

and squared in fifty-pound blocks,

rattling along belts of silver rollers.

I wanted to be cool and dry.


The women were left locked in the house.

The rifle’s blue-black barrel shone

in the corner against the white, white wall.

Somewhere in the swamps around us

a man threw himself against the dark.

I couldn’t understand why our lights were on.

I wondered if he would drown.


I was afraid of the iridescent algae pool,

hit with glaze after an afternoon storm,

lifted like a giant keyhole,

lit by the great green eyeball behind it,

watching me, watching me turn away,

watching me look back, watching me, for all I knew,

catch my breath, not wanting to give it back.


We walked into the parking lot

after 10 o’clock mass on Sunday.

A car’s blur crossed our path

so close I felt the heat of the sun

in the hot wind off its fender.

They only meant to scare us.

I felt then what my prayers might have been.


That afternoon someone decided to slaughter the


They held the scruffs of their necks,

whacked their soft brown crowns

with cracked baseball bats.

Each one bled through the nose.

We fed their guts to the alligator

by the shed in the deep, deep hole.


I watched them kissing, kissing in sorrow,

in the sitting rooms in the funeral parlor.

They were drinking cafe au lait

and eating ham sandwiches.

Yes, there were so many flowers.

I didn’t want to be kissed in sorrow.

I didn’t want to be patted or pitied.


The squeak and thump and mist of flit

as someone pumped sprays of insecticide.

It fell over my face, like a blessing,

like a tingling sensation in my fingers,

like a thousand evaporating lessons,

it fell on the oil lamp’s wick.

The flame danced. It wobbled, dipped and brightened.

Reprinted from The Book of Knowledge: “Little Black Tangrams” by permission of Carnegie Mellon University Press Copyright © 1988 by Dara Wier.

Source: The Book of Knowledge (Carnegie Mellon University Press, 1988)

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The Killers: "Shadowplay"

VisualFK has added a photo to the pool:

l'ultimo viaggio

@темы: away campagna far vecchio ricordo anziana



peterflash has added a photo to the pool:

rock ’n’ roll

Leica M9, Summicron 2,0/50 mm with f 2 and 1/90 sec, 1600 asa - crop

@темы: leica people blackandwhite bw music monochrome glasses rangefinder micro sw schwarzweiss leicadigital leicam9 summicron2050

JE09 has added a photo to the pool:

Self-portrait at the gates of the rich

OK, I admit it; it's not really a proper self-portrait.

@темы: winter blackandwhite bw selfportrait snow reflection monochrome mirror gate highcontrast westend iso1000




Dushan B. Hadnadjev <off/on> has added a photo to the pool:

From our personal archive No.31

View Large On White


...моја маленкост као војник-граничар СФРЈ покрај граничног камена број. XYZ, не сећам се више а и број се не види на фотографији, иза камена одмах је ознаке "Е" тј. Грчка. Место дешавања је на караули "Лерински Друм" у Македонији (караула близу села Лерин на око 20 км од Битоле) на Југословенској - Грчкој граници....сликано је око Фебруара 1986 године...


Фотоапарат: Ломо СМЕНА 8М - (апарат сам крио на тавану од свињца, тамо је био сугуран јер смраду ретко ко прилази)

Филм: Црно-Бeли OR/WO од 21 DIN-a

Ручни светломер: Лењинград 4




