7F Nobody's Diary has added a photo to the pool:
by the sea i found them by the sea. I get closer and ask them one question , and they told me that the answer of everything is LOVE only LOVE
Ozlem Acaroglu(www.ozlemacaroglu.com) has added a photo to the pool:
B&W ND 3.0_ND_300 sec
Do not use my works without my written permission.!!!
Davide Zappettini has added a photo to the pool:
Venezia: particolari... note musicali su piccole maschere che aspettano di essere osservate...
Canon EOS 3 ilford FP4
my set on Venice: www.flickr.com/photos/106833102@N02/sets/72157639494856206/
JAT2012. has added a photo to the pool:
Fine Art Mono Photography
Geneva, travelling tram 18 – haphazardly
Tram stop "Avanchets"
Les Avanchets is a 1970s development, housing close to 6'0000 inhabitants and characterised by its irregular shaped and multi-coloured buildings.
All rights reserved - © Judith Taylor