owmyhands has added a photo to the pool:
I really suck at remembering names, but here's what I remember about this guy at Tom and Katey's wedding...
He was funny, articulate, extremely well dressed, a great dancer, and lives overseas. He also taught Katey how to dance.
Camera: Mamiya 645 AFD
Lens: Mamiya 80mm f/2.8
Film: Kodak Tri-X 400
ShayanArtuz. has added a photo to the pool:
I composited these images together. The first sky image was actually taken with my iphone (go me!) And the second image was an older portrait I took during winter break.
This is an image about being in an airplane and looking down at your hometown - leaving your friends, family, and loved ones behind from the sky's perspective. I hope you enjoy
check out my facebook page
R----s@ has added a photo to the pool:
SB910 + Softbox feathered front left of camera at 45 degree at 1/4 power.
Triggered by PixelKing II.
DawnOne has added a photo to the pool:
"Biblical Wife", Personal Needs Series © Linda Dawn Hammond / IndyFoto.com 1990-1991
Photo copyright Linda Dawn Hammond 1990-1991
Series of self-portraits based on actual personal ads placed in newspapers.
by Linda Dawn Hammond
The original Series (since expanded) consists of 12 self-portraits inspired by actual ads, placed in the personal columns of newspapers. Each photograph matches an ad as an "ultimate" response, though more often the result is closer to my own than what the writer of the ad would wish or require. These are self-portraits and as such, permit me the illusion of becoming anyone's "ideal", whereas in fact, by nature of the disguise and deception, I answer to no one. There is a message of hope, as the series suggests that only the constraints of our imagination restrict us in terms of who we may become in this life. On a darker side, it explores the prescribed limitations set by others, who seek to limit and mold their intended into a creature of their own making. The images explore sexuality, gender roles, fetishism and the "desperation to connect" as a Human condition. Humour keeps it all in perspective. The original photographs are made from large format (4 by 5 inch) negatives; the "photo corners" / ads are Canon Laser copies. They were presented in gold and velour frames, accompanied with 11 Fetish boxes, (dim. 8" by 10", which contained objects,various textures and excepts of text by Gilles Deleuze from his book, Coldness and Cruelty. 12 B&W photographs, (dim. 11" by14"
,11 Fetish boxes, (dim. 8" by 10"
, including... 1. Hermaphrodite Welcome , 2. Biblical Wife , 3. Planet of Her Own Making , 4. Gothic Romance , 5. Heavyset Teddybear Seeks , 6. New Woman , 7. Meatless Meal , 8. Artist or Businessman, 9. Genius With a Big Dick, 10. 4His Slaves, 11. Kitten With Claws, 12. Big Where It Counts.
An additional photograph, 13. Female Touch, was added to the Artefect exhibit in 1991, in protest of Canada Council funding for Artists being diverted to finance the Gulf war effort. Since that time, additional photographs were created as part of the ongoing series, which have yet to be displayed.
Sept 91
Maison de la Culture Marie-Uguay,
symsym001 has added a photo to the pool:
Flickr Fridays theme "shaken not stirred" made me think of my favorite martini. I made a dirty martini for this because like the theme i like mine very well shaken not stirred
Scotphotoamateur has added a photo to the pool:
Infrared view. The infrared cut through the haze giving a much clearer view of the distant mountains