пятница, 17 мая 2013
Jevuz has added a photo to the pool:
Since downloading Lightroom trial B&W plugins I've been determined to try and learn to edit photos in B&W properly in Lightroom (without the Plugins). I think I'm getting there.
I'm starting to find out new tricks to get more contrasty and detailed B&W photos
Strobist: Canon 430 EX II full power camera left
четверг, 16 мая 2013
вторник, 14 мая 2013
Marije van den Berg Arnhem has added a photo to the pool:
Amsterdam - Java , 2013
© Marije van den Berg
понедельник, 13 мая 2013
burgenschenker has added a photo to the pool:
taken & processed with iPhone & Hipstamatic, ps