Carlos Cruz Trabanino has added a photo to the pool:
Lighthouse, Mukilteo, WA. A slightly different perspective of the Mukilteo Lighthouse stairwell that was the subject of "Spiral Staircase", but this time looking from above and going down. Although this image lacks the complex geometric patterns of "Spiral Staircase", I find the contrast of the dark tones on the steps and the light tones of the walls and the light coming in through the window interesting. Compositionally, I framed the shot such that the apex of the staircase spirar fell approximately on the lower right intersection of thirds (notice the leading lines from the steps and the right wall direct your eye to this point in the image). The fact that you can't see either end of the stariwell is meant to cause tension, but the window at camera left gives the viewer a feeling that there is "a way out" and one is not completely "trapped" in this never-ending stairwell. Nikon F100, 28mm f/2.8D lens, Ilford HP5+ developed at EI400 on D76 (1+1) for 13 min at 71.2 F. Exposure was not recorded.