O9k has added a photo to the pool:
Linhof Kardan / Symmar 150mm convertible / Fuji 100 ASA instant film
O9k has added a photo to the pool:
Linhof Kardan / Symmar 150mm convertible / Fuji 100 ASA instant film
agavephoto has added a photo to the pool:
I thought I would upload this very wide aspect ratio lightning shot to see what people think about it. This is NOT a composite shot combining multiple photos over a long period of time, it's a single 46 second exposure (some of our storms are quite active!) showing 11 bolts. These strikes were around 25-30 miles (40-48km) away from me, so there was no way I was going to get very close with the lenses I have. I don't think lightning has to fill the frame to make an interesting composition . . . hence this very wide aspect ratio. I have several different ideas I want to try in combination with lightning, though this season has been our least active in my area yet, so I've been working more on older shots.
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matix947 has added a photo to the pool:
A biplane takes off at the Fly-in Cruise-in breakfast in Sandy Oregon on July 24th.
Every year, a car show/airshow/pancake breakfast takes place in Sandy Oregon.
Most of the planes at the show are small modern personal aircraft, but this year 3 biplanes showed up.
I was excited to see these planes. You don't see biplanes very often.
To see more, please visit www.LukeRobinsonPhoto.com