понедельник, 16 ноября 2009
понедельник, 09 ноября 2009
воскресенье, 08 ноября 2009
среда, 04 ноября 2009
понедельник, 02 ноября 2009
elkprincess has added a photo to the pool:
november 1, 2009
today was a good relaxing day, even if it started a little early. church, the new blue baker, nap, new blue baker, and now catching up on a few things. perhaps i may go to bed early? too bad i just put in a movie...
Creekster has added a photo to the pool:
...I feel like she should have a cape on here. This is her Superdog stance. It's super sturdy. With her low center of gravity, a bull couldn't knock her over. I had her collar off here (I take it off for very brief periods of time), but the deck was gated, so she couldn't get loose.