понедельник, 02 ноября 2009
JeffStewartPhotos has added a photo to the pool:
Two white chairs spend the night leaning against a house wall in East York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
View "Two White Chairs" on black or on white.
Copyright © 2009, Jeff Stewart.
All rights reserved.
ampangmarin has added a photo to the pool:
Farmington Hills, South East Michigan 11/01/09
My very first attempt at capturing full moon. It was very bright. 300mm, ISO200 EV-4. Cropped and darkened. I don't really know what I'm doing
ReyGuy has added a photo to the pool:
Fairgoers, including a group of nuns, head to Boris' Hog Heaven at the State Fair of Texas in Dallas October 8, 2009.
среда, 28 октября 2009