понедельник, 02 февраля 2009
Die Strafbar has added a photo to the pool:
The same mine shaft as: flickr.com/photos/81924157@N00/3243492060/ only not in HDR and now in B&W
sawtoothphoto has added a photo to the pool:
wake up in the morning, point your camera in the vague direction of the mountains, press the shutter
hopelessarrival has added a photo to the pool:
Old railroad tracks in downtown Tacoma, near the glass museum.
воскресенье, 01 февраля 2009
ianimmortal has added a photo to the pool:
it is not a highway i know but i see it as...something else in my head.
use your own imagination if you will please and see what you think.
пятница, 30 января 2009
воскресенье, 25 января 2009