вторник, 29 сентября 2009
Otto K. has added a photo to the pool:
Arabia Mountain in Georgia;
Holga 120N using Kodak Tri-X 400 developed in D-76 1:1
Ger208k has added a photo to the pool:
This image is an exercise in using photoshop to achieve a full tonal range with the emphasis on detail in the shadow areas. Its a challanging image to view but I also wanted to convey the claustrophobic intensity woodland sometimes has.
I'd appreciate your comments.
View On Black
понедельник, 28 сентября 2009
Michael Camacho has added a photo to the pool:
Alex and Jade doing what they do best
© Michael-Paul Camacho for LAist.com
четверг, 17 сентября 2009