VRfoto has added a photo to the pool:
ARMAMAR (Portugal): Paisagem duriense.
VRfoto has added a photo to the pool:
ARMAMAR (Portugal): Paisagem duriense.
roberto frieri has added a photo to the pool:
Leica Digilux 3 (ISO 100 - 1/160sec. - f/4 - EV+1/2 - 52mm equiv.)
roberto frieri has added a photo to the pool:
Leica Digilux 3 (ISO 100 - 1/100sec. - f/5.6 - 100mm equiv.)
Antoine Chaze has added a photo to the pool:
A shoot from a trip to London, in August.
Introducing a whole set titled "London Streets".
View On Black and Large
terencehonin has added a photo to the pool:
Just made a new friend (but I should know this guy since the 198xs).
Brian Chu has added a photo to the pool:
View On Black
Self development:
Ilford HP5 PLUS, EI 400
Kodak HC-110, Dilution H, 10 minutes, 20C