BlakeWylie has added a photo to the pool:
Whole Plate Ambrotype on Clear Glass
Black Glass backing
OWH Collodion
KCN Fixer
3 minute exposure under low light
j doso has added a photo to the pool:
The clouds didn't look this dramatic -- but there was a lot of detail there to pulled out thanks to Silver Efex Pro
This image cannot be used on websites, blogs or other media without explicit my permission. © All rights reserved
JNDiii has added a photo to the pool:
For some strange reason I set out to take a "dark" photograph today. I luckily stumbled upon a handful of wasps feeding on our crape myrtle. The project turned out to be pretty hard - especially trying to juggle getting close and focusing quickly before the wasp got mad (and flew at me in a few cases). I liked the way this one turned out - the dark profile - reminded me of an image from a dream (more like a nightmare) - not quite in focus, but you can clearly tell what it is.
Joe's-Photos has added a photo to the pool:
A five shot pano from a local park..
A little drama added to the sky for effect.
B&W conversion in silver fx.