Lynne's Lens has added a photo to the pool:
This guy and his buddy performed all kinds of dramatic acrobatics while playing a very vigorous game of hacky sack.
Lynne's Lens has added a photo to the pool:
This guy and his buddy performed all kinds of dramatic acrobatics while playing a very vigorous game of hacky sack.
busyliner has added a photo to the pool:
2010.07.10. Town's God Temple walking street, Haishu district, Ningbo city.
Olympus mju2 35/2.8 | Lucky SHD400 ISO400 ISO400 push to ISO800 | Kodak D76 30°C F5 28°C | Epson V500 scaner. Amazing high temperature developing!
photo_secessionist has added a photo to the pool:
This one would never get printed without some editing. The lens was smudged and it showed up on the negative, but I'm going to show you this one anyhow - it reminds me of why I shoot film...
Graflex Speed Graphic (1943)
Kodak Ektar f4.7 127mm lens
Ilford Delta 100 sheet film
Kodak D-76 developer (stock solution, 10 min. @72F)
Digitally scanned from negative
Chris Protopapas has added a photo to the pool:
Arles, the Roman circus, or "Les Arenes". still in use today after 2000 years.
Nikon S3, 25mm, Ilford400, Rodinal, Hell s3900 scanner
zilverbat. has added a photo to the pool:
Het belang en de schoonheid van Volubilis.
Volubilis was een Romeinse nederzetting in het noorden van het huidige Marokko. Geschiedkundigen vermoeden dat de stad is gebouwd op de resten van een eerdere stad van de Carthagers uit de 3e eeuw voor Christus. Deze historische plek is schitterend en was ooit zeer befaamd voor de goede kwaliteit graniet en marmer die daar gevonden werd. De stad werd pas in de 18e eeuw verlaten om te worden afgebroken en bouwmateriaal te leveren voor de constructie van de paleizen van Moulay Ismail in het nabijgelegen Meknes. Als deze afbraak niet had plaatsgevonden dan was Volubilis misschien een van de best bewaarde Romeinse locaties geweest. De ruines die men vandaag de dag aantreft in Volubilis verhalen over hoe schitterend mooi deze stad ooit geweest moet zijn. En zelfs nu heeft deze plek een schoonheid en sereniteit die je nergens anders kunt vinden. Volubilis is een levensgroot museum van wat ooit het Romeinse Keizerrijk was.
zilverbat.'s photos on Flickriver
feleris has added a photo to the pool:
Description: I took this shot 2 months ago and it was my very first shot with an ND filter.
Press "L" to view large.
Place in map: Added
Equipment used:
Camera: Nikon D90 DSLR
Lens: Nikon AF-S DX Nikkor 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR
Camera settings:
Exposure: 46
Aperture: f/8.0
Focal length: 18 mm
ISO speed: 200
Software used: Adobe Photoshop CS4
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© Copyright Evangelos Feleris 2011
If you would like to use this image, please contact me by Flickrmail.
Pappagalla has added a photo to the pool:
When the last glaciers melted, the Connecticut River Valley was flooded, creating a huge lake - Lake Hitchcock. As the lake drained, it swelled the flow of the Deerfield River. The river, carrying in its rushing waters a large load of stones, sand and mud, began to erode the hard metamorphic rock over which it flowed.
Potholes formed when stones trapped in cracks in the riverbed were twirled and vibrated in the fast-moving current, drilling their way into the river bottom. If you look carefully, you can see some of the rounded stones that carved out these potholes.
In fact, they are still carving them. The process continues slowly, especially in the Spring when the melting snow again swells the river and the rushing water turns the stones and they continue their boring into the rock.
gananan has added a photo to the pool:
Morning coffee.
a bit underexposed, serves me right for using daylight film inside with a slow lens.
Lubitel 166+, Shanghai GP3 100, caffenol-cm 12.5 minutes.