frankhinleyphotography has added a photo to the pool:
inspired by the lyrics = Pictures and some memories will have to help me through -
Dear god - AX7
frankhinleyphotography has added a photo to the pool:
inspired by the lyrics = Pictures and some memories will have to help me through -
Dear god - AX7
gazasal has added a photo to the pool:
My first attempt at a bit of street photography. I took loads from the hip and a few normally, this is probably the best, i love the girls face as she passed me. Cheers Tony... for all the inspiration. Might put some of the others up later.
Massi... has added a photo to the pool:
Embraced by the infinite mistery of nature,
and yet
lonely as when I was born.
Northumberland, UK. July 2011
atelieranonyme has added a photo to the pool:
Graflex "Pre Anniversary" Speed Graphic / Kodak Aero-Ektar 178mm f2.5 / Fujifilm FP-3000B 45