Carlos Cruz Trabanino has added a photo to the pool:
Lighthouse, Mukilteo, WA. Going up the narrow spiraling stairwell privides an interesting photographic opportunity. The staircase is too narrow to be captured with anything other than a wide angle lens (28mm in this case). This is a rather cliche shot, but I was intrigued by the contrast of shapes and tones generated by the internal structure of the stairwell and the uneven lighting that produces that hotspot at the top of the stairs while the rest falls to darkness. Nikon F100 and 28mm f/2.8D lens. Ilford HP5+ film developed in D76 (1+1) for 13 min at 71.2 F. Exposure was 1/320 sec at f/5.6.
fiftyfootshadows has added a photo to the pool:
Down an alley in Iteawon. Voigtlander R3M Nokton 50mm f/1.1 Neopan400
At first I was upset about missing the focus on this shot as I was aiming for the girl on the phone but after considering the composition and feel of the shot with what was technically a mistake I saw new life hiding inside. The fact that she is slightly out of the focal point could add something to the atmosphere of the shot. Rather than this being a photo of a girl having a private conversation in a back alley, its a meandering shot of the alley itself which happens to have this hint of a story to it that creates something more memorable or compelling than just a simple, empty alley.
Or I could be stretching my reasoning a bit thin, who knows. Either way, I like it.
O.Connell. has added a photo to the pool:
This was originally going to be an HDR, but it wasn't working, so I just converted it to black and white. As the title says, this is the ceiling of the West Baden hotel in West Baden Springs, Indiana. The lines and designs just beg to be photographed and everyone who walked in there stopped in the center and pointed their cameras/phones/whatevers up. This building really is amazing and I wish I would have taken more time walking around and getting different takes on it, but I felt rushed because my family was done gazing around long before Sean and I were done taking photos.
Rendrag1313 has added a photo to the pool:
Shouldn't have hand held, too slow. Nice old building though.