luciferscage has added a photo to the pool:
Busy mounting and framing prints today for a small one day exhibition in Whitstable on 6th August. All shots will be local to the north Kent coast, such as the one above of Botany Bay, a magnificent beach with some great geological features, that lies between Margate and Broadstairs.
tantarosa has added a photo to the pool:
Minolta X-700,
Tricia V... has added a photo to the pool:
Minolta SRT 201
Fuji 200 converted to bw
Things in Peoples Yards and Visions of Rural Minnesota
Erhard, MN
July 19th, 2011
lydiafairy has added a photo to the pool:
I met Jack at my 20 year high school reunion. I was a classmate of his Lovely Wife. It was the beginning of the reunion, and I was explaining to Jacks wife that I was going to try and take as many portraits as I could that night, like my 100 strangers project. I explained to them both a little about the 100 strangers and they asked a question about it. I said for example I would say "Hello Jack, I am doing a photography project where I take 100 portraits of strangers, will you be stranger #34?" and Jack said Yes. He was the only spouse I photographed that night. I gave myself a different challenge that night, to help me through. I called it the "faces from my past" challenge. I was quite awkward and nerdy and geeky and strange in high school. So many people would never let me forget I was all those things either. I cant tell you how many nicknames I had, how many times I had to pick my books up off the hallway floor after everyone walked all over them, how many hurtful comments were made. Armed with my camera I was able to manage quite well (along with some xanax). That and one of my classmates looked like a reject from jersey shore, that was kind of awesome. But Back to Jack, his wife was always kind to me. I never forgot that. Thanks Jack for being my 34th stranger .
"This picture is #34 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at"
Pic.tures has added a photo to the pool:
Couple from the irresistibly photographic bridge which featured in the film, Inception. (Where Leo and Ellen Page took their first dream walk).
Manu(She) has added a photo to the pool:
In 1861 Porto started its own version of London’s Crystal Palace, a steel and glass structure which was replaced in 1952 by the present Pavilh