t-a-i has added a photo to the pool:
Blackbird Fly, Kodak Professional BW400CN.
Taken on 16th Jun 2010.
Oxford Circus, London.
Xjs-Khaos has added a photo to the pool:
Summer was here. Summer went away.
I had not mourned had it come to stay.
reddo10 has added a photo to the pool:
The day after the night before. After being a last minute wedding snapper and then being asked to stay to drink enough champagne to kill a pony, today had all the challenges attributed with having a hangover from the very epicentre of hell. I took a wander to 'find myself' and ended up on the Westwood as the day was saying goodbye and the sky began to bruise. This is a special place and the whispers of ancestors and old friends echo across this bleak pasture. The Black Mill is a disused windmill and a landmark of Beverley. The crows came towards me when I made the sound of a distressed rabbit on the back of my hand. I think it was obvious I wasn't a rabbit. Ever experimental I took this in monochrome and added a blue filter. I managed to find my shoe. Perhaps I should get leathered more often.
indykaleu has added a photo to the pool:
My first photo converted into black and white using Photoshop Elements. Taken during the October Indy Flickr meet up at Crown Hill cemetery.
MeneerDijk has added a photo to the pool:
Today I had the pleasure of paying an impromptu visit to Teuge International Airport (EHTE) Together with Falleri and Elko. Wich was a lot of fun.
I always find airplanes cool to watch, even the smaller ones, like this Cessna 208B Super Cargomaster. (PH-SWP)