Daniel's imagination has added a photo to the pool:
Lost as a candle, lit at noon.
Lost as a snowflake in the sea.
You love me, and i find you still a spirit beautiful and bright.
rushfan2112 has added a photo to the pool:
This is the Cuillin ridge as seen from Sligachan on the Isle of Skye.
For those unfamiliar with the Isle of Skye, it is one of the Inner Hebrides off the west coast of Scotland at about 51 degrees north. As you might suspect, it gets a lot of rain - and then some.
The "black" Cuillin takes its name from the colour of the rock (Gabbro) of which it is made. Gabbro has a very gritty and grippy texture and isn't the sort of stuff you want to fall over on as it will strip off your skin like sandpaper.
This shot was taken on a very dull, wet and windy day (at ground level) but the clouds just sat on the top of the ridge - which can't have been any fun for the climbers up there as the drops are sheer and the highest peaks are over 3,000ft.
tanzerin ohne beine has added a photo to the pool:
Model - Marco
Concerto Saint Louis College of Music
Richard Canten has added a photo to the pool:
Inspired by photo's of some Flickr members, I decided myself to try and take pictures of people "in the streets".
Some posed, some hipshots....
Poverty and homelessness is a big problem in the big cities of the USA:
Nevertheless: I took a lot of pictures of some of those interesting people and had some weird, warm, interesting and enlightening conversations. Thanx to those people..
Will post more in the next couple of weeks.