adrired has added a photo to the pool:
nikon fm2 ilford fp4 plus. nikkor af 35-70 f3.3 scanner canon 8800f.
понедельник, 21 июня 2010
воскресенье, 20 июня 2010
пятница, 18 июня 2010
stephanieesunshineee has added a photo to the pool:
final assignment
taken: April 18, 2010
This project was named: "Milk and Cookies". It was for my final project in my photo class, and was inspired by many things including Charlie Chaplin, milk and cookies of course, and children. But the final outcome, however, was all created by me inside of my head. It just all came to me one day while I was in the shower. (where I almost always seem to get ideas..)