Studio Nouvelle Photography has added a photo to the pool:
I've been on a break from Flickr (not because I want to).. been doing some events for extra cash, so I am burned out on photography right now... But I promise to catch up soon. I had some awesome fence friday shots, but I had to delete them because I had to format my memory card for an event on Wednesday.. No time to even download them prior to the event and my card was FULL (( I hate being so busy!!!!!!!! Anyway... the lens was dirty on this camera on the inside & it made little spots so I just turned it B&W... I have no idea how to clean it :-) Happy Friday everyone!
jonesyb has added a photo to the pool:
Taken during the ridiculous snow storms in Feb 08. Was somewhat cold.
TC4711 has added a photo to the pool:
The German Church in the Old Town of Stockholm, Sweden. Taken with a Rollei XF35 rangefinder with a Sonnar 40/2.3 lens on Agfa APX 400 film developed in Xtol.
M.A.M08 has added a photo to the pool:
Homage to my friend , from this Flickrland..Thomai Pavlidou..for being such an inspiring artist and a great friend. The day has come where the world will witness the real revolution of mind-blowing , miraculous and idealistic philosophy . Let drive in now. Thomai.
Berlin is waiting for you .. the world is open